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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Click Here For What Social Security Crisis?

What Social Security Crisis?: "In February 1998, then-President Bill Clinton told a Georgetown University audience that a poll indicated that young people felt they were more likely to see a UFO than they were to receive Social Security benefits. He spoke of the 'looming fiscal crisis in Social Security,' saying that Social Security would be bankrupt by 2030 if nothing were done.

Senator John Edwards, D-N.C., told the 106th Congress that the Social Security system was 'riddled with holes. ... And if Congress does not start considering an overall Social Security reform, we will eventually have a hole too big to fix.' In June 2002, Edwards warned again of the 'Social Security crisis.'

On March 30, 2001, Senator Robert Byrd, D-W.V., talked about the 'long-term financing crisis [that] faces the Social Security program.' Again, in May 2003, Byrd referred to 'the impending Social Security funding crisis.'

The above examples illustrate that Democrats have been railing about the Social Security crisis for years. But like a petulant child who must take a contrarian position against his parents, the Democratic leadership is now demanding that no crisis exists.

Who will suffer for such childish behavior? We will. "


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