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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Commentary by Rev. Ceasar I. LeFlore III

I find the brutal and unfounded attacks against Condolezza Rice and other black conservatives disappointing, and unfortunate to say the least. I know that some in the African - American community are bound and determined to remain faithful to the liberal democrats, no matter how empty and repetitive their promises are to us. To argue against that unwarranted loyalty would be a waste of time. But it always astounds me how independent thinking blacks who do not conform to that party line are viscously attacked by people who seem to resent their independent thinking as treason. Why can they not be afforded the same nobility of motive as any other black thinker who is sensitive to our social concerns, only having a difference of opinion on how best to arrive at solutions for them? Is there not room for more than one opinion in the black community?

The selective outrage as to what is unacceptable black behavior is laughable. Some would dare to castigate Ms. Rice for publicly voicing an opinion different from their own concerning affirmative action, which is her right. But where is the outrage when Jesse Jackson validates black genocide through his support of those in the American eugenics movement who conceived and implemented "The Negro Project," developed to control and reduce black population is America? Why are so many of us silent when Jackson fathers children outside of wedlock, knowing that the 75% illegitimacy rate in our community has devastated it almost beyond repair?

The mistreatment of this brilliant black woman, Ms. Rice - who is arguably the most powerful woman in the world is an outrage. I would think that you would be proud of black political achievement when you realize that we now have blacks in real positions of power in this country, which is unprecedented. We now have a black supreme court justice, Secretary of State, and National Security Advisor to name just a few. There is a great chance that the next Vice-president of the United States will be black. Black conservatives care deeply for our community and want to see it truly empowered beyond the empty promises of those who claim to care for us. It's unfortunate that many of us can't see and respect that.

Rev. Ceasar I. LeFlore III


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