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Friday, November 12, 2004

Click Here For Shut up and leave already!

WorldNetDaily: Shut up and leave already!: "When conservatives win, liberals freak. How else do you explain the thousands of social workers who had to be deployed in Florida and elsewhere to help the liberals cope with 'Post Election Shock Disorder'? When liberals aren't in power, they go into seizures. They give birth to fantastically sized farm creatures. They go on the cable shows and tell the country why the country was wrong for not having chosen them to lead. And they whine -- my gosh, the incessant whining.

Now, because the economy is good, liberal elitists like those quoted above are taking their very wealthy means and relocating -- and let me emphasize this next point -- WE NORMAL WORKING FOLKS DON'T CARE!

I have been saying this since the election, but liberals don't get it. In their mind they believe themselves the all knowing, all powerful and all insightful god of the universe. If you disagree, then you simply are evil scum that must be wiped from the face of existence. "


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