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Friday, January 28, 2005

Click Here For The Stentorian's Second Amendment site: Position Statement

The Stentorian's Second Amendment site: Position Statement: "This site defines strategies and tactics for counteracting gun control legislation, and even for destroying the political credibility of organizations like Handgun Control Incorporated. In fact, it introduces military-grade propaganda, the kind that countries use when they are at war, into the controversy. Isn't this a bit extreme? Shouldn't a reasonable person seek compromise or a win-win solution? Everybody agrees that violent criminals shouldn't have guns. Everybody agrees that law-abiding firearm owners should use them safely and responsibly; wouldn't mandatory licensing and registration (as with automobiles, a point the gun control party makes repeatedly) help promote safe and responsible firearm use? Dr. Stephen Covey's Principle-Centered Leadership is a principal reference for my nonfiction books. It contains the essence of how any organization, social group, family, or country should operate. The quest for a win-win solution, e.g. 'keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals while promoting safe and responsible firearm use by law-abiding citizens' is a keystone of constructive conflict resolution. I consider myself among its foremost advocates. Dr. Covey also points out (accurately) that 'compromise' is lose-lose; neither side gets everything it wants but, since both sides agree the solution is 'fair,' no one walks away angry. This is the situation:
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger"


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