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Saturday, November 06, 2004


WHY I AM OPPOSED TO A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT: "There is nothing new about one world rule. From a political and economic point of view ruling the world means controlling everything one can reach that is worth controlling. Alexander conquered the whole world that he could reach and the treatment of those he conquered serves as a model for the realities of life under a world dictatorship. Rome also conquered pretty much the whole world that it was aware of (until it hit Germania). Life was pretty good if you happened to live in the capital city within walking distance of the Colloseum and the Circus Maximus, but everywhere else life was made harsh by Roman rule, else there would have been no need for legions located across the empire to stamp out rebellions by the tax-weary populace. All conquerors like to boast that they are a benefit to the conquered, but common sense and history shows this to be a self-serving lie. Whether you are Caesar, Hitler, or Bush, if you use military might to force your way of life on another, then the people being forced clearly do not agree that the way of life of the conquerors is a blessing.
One World Government is just the vanity of some tyrant wanting to say, 'I own it all', and like Alexander, who deliberately shattered his kingdom upon his death so that nobody else could be the ruler of the world, such ego maniacs could care less about the population living under that one world rule. It's all about their name in the history books and on monuments and no matter how many have to die for it.
One world rule is great for the rulers, terrible for the ruled. People who believe otherwise probably believe that the alien mother ship is arriving in the tail of the next comet. "


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