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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Why Kerry Fears "Stolen Honor"

Why Kerry Fears "Stolen Honor": "So, what is Kerry so worried about?
After watching the film, you can understand why.
For starters, 'Stolen Honor' offers a compelling indictment of John Kerry as a man and as an American. This is powerful stuff. Any reasonable, independent American would likely be swayed by it.

This election could be so close that every vote will count. Kerry has to pay attention to what Sinclair will air in battleground states where it has stations, places like Charleston, W.V.; Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton, Ohio; Madison and Milwaukee, Wis.; and Pensacola, Tallahassee and Tampa, Fla.

Kerry cannot risk this.

This past summer the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth launched their first TV ad -- including fellow vets who criticized Kerry's activities as a naval officer in Vietnam. The ad caused a hubbub and Kerry blew it off.

But then the Swift Boat Vets ran an ad featuring former POWs alleging that Kerry betrayed them and his country with his anti-war activities.

With that charge Kerry's lead over Bush evaporated -- and the Swiftees became a national sensation."


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