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Sunday, September 26, 2004

A Word from Sarge

It is amazing the lopsided and biased conduct of the media during the current presidential campaign. I had to love it when the media and the Kerry campaign attempted to make so much hay of President Bush's service in the National Guard and pushing the AWOL story.

Lets take a look at what the media is not printing or saying about John Kerry for a moment. We need to ask the media and the American people why are they supporting a real criminal that ought to be in prison rather than running for the highest office in the land.

This is the man that wants to be the leader of the free world?

1 Kerry's own service in Vietnam has become extremely questionable and issues raised by his fellow Swift Boat vets bear's that out. He did serve, but did he trump up his service for personal agenda? Not criminal unless it's proven he knowingly scatted the system to get his 3 Purple Hearts.

I let others more in the know act on this. Much is being made of this and the IG of the Navy is investigating finally. I might add that President Bush has been overly gracious relating to Kerry's service in Vietnam.

2. Awards listed documents on his own website appear to be doctor'd or tampered with. Major questions revolve around the Silver Star with "V" device. For those not in the Know the "V" device for Valor does not go with the Silver Star which is for Gallantry in action. The "V" device is redundant and not used or needed with a Silver Star.

3. His post Vietnam conduct with his 1971 testimony in the United State Senate was lies and he Perjured himself relating to the conduct of honorable veterans serving in Vietnam.

4. He is a self admitted War Criminal and yet he has got a free pass on that. There is no statute of limitations for war crimes.

5. Kerry's testimony gave our communist enemies in North Vietnam ammunition to use in their torture and mistreatment of our POW's being held at the time. Extreme pressure and torture was applied to our POW's being held in North Vietnam to get them to sign and make anti American statements along the lines of the Kerry testimony. Some died as the result of such torture.

6. Kerry's testimony in 71 encouraged our communist enemies in Vietnam to continue the war because they saw such anti-war, anti American activity lead by Kerry and others would lead to victory from the propaganda side, if not the battlefield which the communist were losing big time. This encouragement for our enemy was greatly enhanced by a COMMISSIONED OFFICER in the United States Naval Reserve.

7. Honorable Vietnam Veterans were treated with hate and vilified upon their return home, which was greatly enhanced by the Kerry lies before the Senate. Many died at their own hand, and due to negligence because of the treatment they received and the failure of our country to care for their needs.

All do to the animosity and anti veteran mentality promoted so successfully by Kerry, Fonda and the rest of that ilk.

***Jane Fonda has since apologized to the American Veterans and people for her anti-war activities. KERRY HAS NOT!!

8. Kerry met illegally with the North Vietnamese delegation during the Paris Peace talks to end the Vietnam War. Never held accountable. A violation of protocol and also his position as a Commissioned Officer in the Naval Reserve.

9. Became a major leader in Vietnam Veterans Against the War. (VVAF) once again in violation of his oath as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Navy.

His activities with his lies to the Senate and his actions with VVAF led to huge problems for returning Vietnam Veterans. Problems which are still being addressed today 30 years after the fact.

10. While a member of VVAF, attended a meeting where discussion and an actual vote was taken relating to Assassinating 6 key United State Senators. If nothing else that amounts to conspiracy. The FBI has record of this meeting. While the discussion ended with no action being taken because it was voted down, such activity still amounts to conspiracy and possible criminal prosecution.

11. While chairing the POW Commission in Congress he failed to follow-up and basically killed the issue and investigation relating to POW's and MIA's left behind in Vietnam. He even buried information by classifying certain information taking it out of public scrutiny. His conduct is extremely questionable Speak with POW family members and organizations relating to this for more specific details.

12. While not illegal specifically one has to wonder about the how's and why's and very little research is needed. BUT, John Kerry is listed as one of the "Peoples Hero's" in the communist war museum in Hanoi Vietnam. Compelling evidence about how our enemies felt about Mr. Kerry's antiwar activities and its impact from a propaganda perspective on behalf of the enemy we were at war with.

Who of that time can forget the antiwar rallies, demonstrations, and parades with John Kerry amongst others leading the way waving and working his agenda under the flag of our communist enemy. At the same time disrespecting the flag of our Nation. Disgraceful is all that can be said at best relating to that activity.

In closing I am sure there are other issues that can be raised. These are just the key points I recall at the moment. Kerry does not hesitate to brag of his Nam exploits and medals but he fails to mention how he helped end the war in Vietnam. How many more lives will he walk on before he is held accountable or is called on the carpet for his activities.

I want you and every veteran you know to ask the following question of yourselves? "If I did this or conducted myself like this would I be held accountable, and most likely be serving some time in Jail or Prison for my actions?"

I think the answer would be pretty obvious, yes we would. Yet the powers that be have done nothing but give this jerk a free ride and now he expects to be president of this great country, and leader of the free world. With this kind of history and background I cannot imagine where he would take this country.

His personal voting record in congress speaks volumes as well.

This is America, vote as you wish, but vote with a little thought and consideration.

Once again these are just a few of my personal thoughts relating to this upcoming election and the liberal candidate. If this is the best the liberals have to offer ......?????

Chuck / Sarge

(Ed. -- In all fairness, I have friends in Vietnam Veterans Against the War who are sincere in their beliefs about their involvement in Vietnam and who would never be involved with any criminal conspiracy to assassinate any U.S. Senators. They are for peace and not for murder.)


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